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News and Advertisement Policy: Buland Kesari – News Website

News Policy

At Buland Kesari, we are dedicated to providing accurate, fair, and unbiased news to our readers. Our commitment to journalistic integrity is unwavering, and our news policy is founded on the following principles:

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1. Objectivity: We report news without favoritism or bias, presenting facts and multiple perspectives to enable our readers to form their own informed opinions.

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2. Accuracy: We strive for the highest standards of accuracy in our reporting. Our team of experienced journalists verifies information from reliable sources before publication.

3. Integrity: We adhere to ethical and professional standards in journalism, avoiding conflicts of interest that could compromise the credibility of our reporting.

4. Transparency: We are transparent about corrections or clarifications when errors are identified in our published content.

5. Diverse Coverage: We provide a wide range of news topics, encompassing politics, economics, culture, technology, and more, to offer a comprehensive view of the world.

Advertisement Policy

We may display advertisements on our website ( to support the costs of providing news content. Our advertisement policy is as follows:

1. Separation of News and Advertisements: We clearly distinguish between news content and advertisements, ensuring that our readers can easily identify paid promotional material.

2. Advertiser Responsibility: Advertisers are responsible for the content and accuracy of their advertisements. We do not endorse or validate claims made in advertisements.

3. Non-Influence on Editorial Content: Advertisers have no influence over our editorial content or the selection of news stories. Editorial decisions are made independently.

4. User Privacy: We respect user privacy and do not share personal data with advertisers. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.

5. Ad-Blockers: Users may choose to use ad-blockers, but this may impact the functionality and support of our website.

6. Compliance: We adhere to all relevant advertising regulations and standards.

Feedback and Inquiries

If you have any questions or concerns about our News and Advertisement Policy or would like to provide feedback, please contact us at [email protected].

We value your trust in Buland Kesari as your source for news, and we are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity and responsible advertising practices.

Last updated: 10.09.2023

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Disclaimer:Buland Kesari receives the above news from social media. We do not officially confirm any news. If anyone has an objection to any news or wants to put his side in any news, then he can contact us on +91-98880-00404.