Grievance Redressal Policy

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Grievance Redressal Policy: Buland Kesari – News Website

At Buland Kesari, we are committed to providing a platform for our users to express their grievances and concerns. We take these matters seriously and aim to address them promptly and fairly. This Grievance Redressal Policy outlines the process for users to submit grievances and how we handle them.

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1. Submission of Grievance

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If you have a grievance or concern related to any content or aspect of Buland Kesari, you can submit your grievance by sending an email to [email protected]. Please include the following information in your email:

  • Your name
  • Contact information (email address and phone number)
  • A detailed description of the grievance or concern, including relevant URLs or references


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2. Acknowledgment

Upon receiving your grievance, we will acknowledge its receipt within [insert timeframe] business days. This acknowledgment will include a unique reference number for your grievance, which you should use in all further communication with us regarding the matter.

3. Investigation and Resolution

We will initiate an investigation into the grievance promptly. The investigation process may involve reviewing the content in question, consulting with relevant parties, and assessing whether it violates our Terms and Conditions or content policies.

We will make reasonable efforts to resolve the grievance in a fair and timely manner. The time required for resolution may vary depending on the complexity of the issue, but we will keep you informed of the progress.

4. Communication of Resolution

Once the grievance has been resolved, we will communicate the outcome to you via email. If the resolution is in your favor, we will outline any corrective actions taken. If the grievance is not upheld, we will provide a clear explanation of our decision.

5. Escalation

If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided, you may request further escalation of the matter. In such cases, please reply to the resolution email, and your grievance will be reviewed at a higher level within our organization.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our Grievance Redressal Policy or wish to submit a grievance, please contact us at [email protected].

We are committed to addressing grievances in a fair and transparent manner, upholding the principles of ethical journalism and responsible content management.

Last updated: 10.09.2023

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